Business German Classes Online:
Get the Most From Your Budget

Instant Communication specializes in Business German Classes Online. You benefit from premium language training that can be flexibly integrated into your company.

Business German classes online

This Is Why Our Business German Classes Online Are So Successful




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More Than 20 Companies Are Loyal Clients of Our Business German Classes Online

I recommend Instant Communication to any busy person who still wants to invest time in learning a foreign language successfully.

Jacqueline Loate – HR Business Partner, T-Systems International GmbH

My communication with colleagues and suppliers has improved enormously through my online German classes.

Nicolas Lassal – Project Manager Innovation and New Technologies, Rhenus AG

My level of German has improved from A2 to B2 in one year. Thank you, Instant Communication!

Hugues Virely – Principal Category Manager, Vodafone Procurement Company S.à.r.l

The personal support in planning and organizing the language trainings is outstanding.

Leis Bagdach – Geschäftsführer, Neufilm GmbH

I highly appreciate my teacher's professionalism and the action-oriented course material provided by Instant Communication.

Grzegorz Michalski – Asset Manager, Vattenfall Europe AG

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Instant Communication’s Business German Classes Online and how They Compare

Instant Communication
Tutoring Marketplace
Standard Language School
Free Assessment
Cost-effective Personalized Classes
Tailored Training
No Setup Fee
No Minimum Order Quantity
No Course Left-overs
Study Worldwide
Flexible Schedule
Effective, Short Sessions
AI-Powered Learning
Transparent Reporting
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The Benefits of Our Business German Classes Online in Detail

Learn anywhere and anytime

Company related course management

Excellent, bespoke training

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How Clients Profit from Instant Communication’s Business German Classes Online

Growing Sales

Successful sales performance is not just about facts and figures. Awareness of cultural backgrounds and an ability to talk in the client's mother tongue are vital to improving sales revenue. This is where our Business German Classes Online are highly effective. According to communications expert David Grossman of The Holmes Report, productivity losses that arise from communication barriers result in a cumulative cost of more than $26,000 per worker, per year.

Expanding Markets

“If I’m selling to you, I speak your language. If I’m buying, dann müssen Sie Deutsch sprechen.” This quote by the former German Chancellor Willy Brandt is more relevant than ever. 75 percent of world growth will soon come from emerging markets. A good command of the English language is taken for granted in international business. In the near future, knowledge of Hindi or Mandarin will be a key factor when entering new markets.

Cutting Costs

All of us know how it feels to forget an appointment or send an urgent email. Language-based miscommunication causes stress and pushes up costs. These factors can easily be eliminated with our Business German Classes Online. Our training focusing on work-related communication keeps processes smooth and cost-efficient.

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Business German Classes Online Boost Work Performance by 45%

Increasing Productivity

The Association for Talent Development has revealed that employees who receive regular training perform 45% better than those who do not. Companies with international and linguistically diverse employees are particularly dependent on programs such as Business German Classes Online. Without excellent language skills, ground-breaking innovation and operational excellence are unattainable.

Creating Loyal Clients

If a professor gives a lecture in a foreign language, the audience expects him to speak fluently. If a sales representative is reasonably able to speak in the customer's native language, the latter will be highly impressed. It only takes 10 sessions of Business German Classes Online to improve your customer contact significantly.

Hiring and Retaining Talented Employees

For committed candidates, personal growth is a key motivational factor in deciding on a job and staying in it. As every HR manager knows, the cost of replacing employees is 50-150% of an annual salary. This is why the most successful companies of the last decades (e.g. Apple, Toyota, Vodafone) offer lifelong learning to their employees.

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